Saturday, July 12, 2008

July 12th

G'day mate! We have safely arrived in Sydney. We started off the day with an early morning. We left on two buses at 4:00 am. And on the second bus and couple of drunks got on and I hear it was quite the entertainment. But don't worry, everyone arrived safely. The plane ride was very short and sweet. Well, for me anyways. I slept the whole way. But the 3 hour ride is a lot better than the 9 hour flight!! :) Once we arrived at the airport we took another bus to our hotel, even though the rooms weren't ready at 9:00 in the morning. But I don't blame them. It can be extremely stressful trying to get rooms ready. Don't worry; I have experience!

After we dropped off our bags we walked a block to the mall. It's so nice that it is right next door! The down fall, is that it is also very expensive! I couldn't find a pair of jeans for under $50!! I was trying to find some because it is really cold here. Hopefully the night we camp out isn't very cold!

After we looked around at the mall, we headed to the Cathedral of St. Mary's. It was so magnificent! There was so much to take in and in so little time. After we toured the museum we all said the rosary together. Then we headed back to the hotel to get into our rooms.

We all unpacked into our nice rooms and then either headed to eat or to the Aquarium. I went out to eat at the mall again. Only a few people went to the Aquarium. Me personally, am not much of a fish lover. I saw enough of them at the Reef. But I'm sure they will all have a great time. Taylor and I computers in the mall where we could rent out the Internet. It's amazing that we all take Wi-Fi for granted. You have to pay a lot of money here!!

Keep us in your prayers! The World Youth Day events start on Tuesday!

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